St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School

Honouring our Veterans in Killarney

Under a brilliant sun, with only the sound of the flapping Canadian flag in the background, students and staff from St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School in Killarney gathered around the town’s cenotaph on November 11, 2015 to remember those who have fought for their freedoms. Joined by Sudbury Catholic Superintendent Rossella Bagnato and several local residents, the students held their Remembrance Day prayer service, observed two minutes of silence, and ended the ceremony by singing O’Canada. “It is so very important that our students understand the sacrifices that were made by our veterans to ensure our freedom today, “ explained Monika Jost, principal. “We always want to ensure that future generations never take for granted what has been fought for in the past and the people who have made the ultimate sacrifice for us – our students know – we must always remember.”

June 2015 OAPCE Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE).

This month’s newsletter comes in three parts:

June 2015 Part 1
June 2015 Part 2
June 2015 Part 3

Cultural Learning at St. Joseph

Chad Solomon visit St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School with some Native Teachings about how to be friends and work together. The children interacted with the puppets during the productions and learned some valuable life lessons about working together, friendship and native culture. He also spoke of his grandfather who helped place the stones for the Church in the community of Killarney before the road was built to the town.

Vermicomposting at St. Joseph

Students at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School recently became a little ‘greener’. The school, in partnership with the Killarney Outdoor Education Centre created a vermicomposting program that will help the school to reduce organic waste. The project, funded by TD Friends of the Environment and Learning for a Sustainable Future, is aimed at helping teach students how composting can have a positive impact on the environment. Both the students of St. Joseph and all visitors to the outdoor centre will weigh their organic waste that enters the compost. This will allow the students to track the amount of waste they prevented from entering the local landfill. The castings left over will be harvested by the students and added to soil used in gardens and planters.
Vermicomposting, is a process that uses worms to digest waste such as food scraps. Bins containing soil, water, worms and bedding material, such as leaves and shredded newspaper, are filled once or twice a week with worm food – for example, fruit and vegetable peels, coffee grounds, and other organic material. The end product is an excellent fertilizer for soil.

Indigenous Celebration Held

The Diocesan Centre is planning an inclusive day of celebration based on indigenous culture, and would love a big turn out at this event. All students, staff, families and friends are welcome and encouraged to attend! It looks to be a great day planned!

Saturday, May 23, 2015
Fielding Park

5:30 am. Sunrise Ceremony ~

8:00 am. Pancake Breakfast ~

9:00 am. Teaching Carousel – Stations will be set up to be rotated through – 6 stations with 20 minute presentations at each~

a) Children drumming station~

b) Craft – decade of the rosary with four/six colour beads + leather OR~leather bookmark

c) 7 Grandfather teachings

d) Legends – Elders telling the stories~

e) Medicines and Wheel

f) Sacred Elements (fire keeper, tobacco, stones, feather, pipe, drums, smudge, animals) ~

11:00 am. Healing Circle – prayers, scripture (trilingual), blessing~

1:30 pm. Feast – “pot luck”

3:00 pm Travelling Song/Blessing~

For more information and access to resources, please consult:

OAPCE Monthly Newsletter

As part of our ongoing commitment to supporting our Sudbury Catholic parents, the SCDSB would like to provide a link to the latest newsletter from The Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education (OAPCE). To read this month’s newsletter, click here: Parent Partner Newsletter – Easter 2015

Celebrating Ash Wednesday in Killarney

St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School staff and students walked over to St. Boniventure Church to celebrate Ash Wednesday Mass on March 5th. Father Krzysztof Niewinski and the students/staff are pictured outside the church. The students celebrate mass the first Wednesday of the month. The community have the opportunity of a weekday Mass and the students enjoy celebrating with them.

Open House at St. Joseph

On Wednesday, October 23rd, St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School hosted an open house for the Killarney Community and parents. The Catholic School Council put together a luncheon for the community in the school gym during the lunch hour. Soup and sandwiches were prepared and served to grandparents, relatives, and community members who were able to visit the school for lunch.

Visiting St. Joseph in Killarney

Students at St. Joseph Catholic Elementary School had a special visitor on Wednesday, September 25. Sudbury Catholic Superintendent Rossella Bagnato visited the school to welcome the new and returning students back for another year. Mrs. Bagnato visited with the students in their classroom, as well as joining them outside for a part of their recess.

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